Satan Saves

Christianity Kills

Innocents killed in the name of Christ: Millions
Innocents killed in the name of Satan: None
Excluding the psychotic, schizophrenic and mentally ill, who also kill in the name of god, there is not a single killing in the name of Satan on record.

Eve – The First Satanist

by Morgan - RC of S ~ May 7th, 2008

For your next Satanic gathering, ponder one of the founders of our Church, the biblical Eve. As an instrument of the Oppressor, she knew nothing of love, pain, understanding, empathy, longing, anticipation or satisfaction. Our Lord Satan gave her the apple of self-knowledge, and with it the most profound gift, the opportunity to decide her own fate, her own destiny. 

What lessons can we learn from Eve’s brave step on the path towards self knowledge and fulfillment? What lessons can we learn from Adam’s initial fear to accept self awareness, and his ultimate repudiation of that fear? And what does The Oppressor’s actions against the First Satanists teach us about the fear and slavery that Christianity would impose?

98 Responses to Eve – The First Satanist

  1. chameleon

    Nonconformity and indulgence jump to mind along with free choice and will from Eve.
    Adam’s actions are those of a follower that conforms to a stronger presence when given the option to disobey a given law in order to indulge his curiosity.
    That punishment follows any break from the herd!

  2. Tempest

    Whoever the hell you are, you are no Satanist, you are just a christian that has decided to pray to your bible’s Satan instead of jesus. Real Satanists are non-deistic, more often then not we view ourselves as our own god. We use the name Satanism because Satan means adversary, and we are the adversaries of ALL religions, and Satanism is the term used because it has *gasp* shock value. Get your facts straight you reversed image christian hypocrite.

  3. me

    Christianity in wolfs clothing is what I call the creator of this site… The ideas you display here are offensive to the intelligence of true Satanists across the world. Do this planet a favour and jump in front of a moving train with your followers (if any) in tow. There are no entities that possess outer-worldly powers or that need/deserve our attention.

    Just writing this note is a tremendous amount of time wasted, but is ok because I decided to waste it, no one else…

  4. David Hickle

    I Am Searching For A Satanic Cult Church In Groveport Ohio

  5. David Hickle

    I Am Searching For A Satanic Cult Church In Groveport Ohio That Allows Adultry And Ritual Murder And Ritual Cannibalism Of Adult Men With Preeteen Females

  6. David Hickle

    I Am Searching For A Satanic Cult Church In Groveport Ohio That Allowes Adult Women To Adultrise Adult Men

  7. MizzCrowley

    How disappointing. Only the first post was about the topic. No I don’t think our primary source for Satanist is the bible. Certainly not. However, the bible does contribute to some of the mythology and some history of Satan, demons and pagan worship. There are other sources for information about the gods and Satan. On “the gods”, I recommend all the Shiva books by Alain Danielou. On the demons and Satan, you can find some in archaological and historical writings, plus in the remains of some middle eastern religious books. The Quran gives some, but even better is their pre-Islamic keeping of the pagan history of which there is much adopted to Islam. Persian, Arabic, bedouin and Babylonian material is also quite helpful for those into reconstruction or to aid your own knowledge to incorporate into your own practices.

    As far as the topic of Eve in Genesis, this is perfectly good mythology. The snake in pagan religions is an important symbol of power and deep knowledge from the earth, an initiator. I can’t say if the Genesis snake is a direct reference to the Christian’s Satan, but it is a definite symbol of an initiator to knowledge that “the gods” don’t want man to have. It is similar to Prometheus’ fire stolen from the gods and given to man. Joseph Campbell relates the ancient tale among tribal peoples: The animals decided to eat some of the gods’ fruit after asking snake. When the gods asked them, who told you that you could eat our fruit?! The animals replied, snake told us we could. Another interesting aspect of the Genesis myth is that woman is chosen by snake to receive the deep secrets of the earth/gods and then she is Adam’s initiator.

    For an even more interesting slant on Genesis interpretation, read Ishamel by Daniel Quinn.

  8. Lestat

    First off What the hell is wrong with you preeteen women THIS is not what we are about YOU need 2 go back 2 your christian refinery
    Your most handsome,
    The Vampyre Lestat

  9. Jonathan

    Listen everybody, this is not a real Satanic site. It is obviously fake, put up on the Internet for a good laugh.

    If you are interested in learning about Satanism, why not go straight to the source?

  10. Rev. John D. Allee

    And if you wish to learn the truth about the Church of Satan and its history of lies and hypocrisy, why not go straight to the source for that information?

  11. anonymous

    Eve was no Satanist. Read further in the Blind One’s ponderous paean to itself and you will find in Eve a slavish and unseemly obedience to both Adam and Yahweh, precisely as dictated by the latter. She accepts her god’s demands in all ways except in the matter of the apple, and once that transgression is found out, she bows down in fear, masochistic worship, and complete self-abnegation. There isn’t the slightest spark of rebellion in her that isn’t implanted by someone else (the Serpent, of course, presumed to be Lord Satan). Both she and Adam were filthy, pitiful vassals of the Oppressor and considered it a holy honor even to lick the boots of that creature’s lowest celestial henchmen. They taught this madness unto their many, many children, establishing a precedent that continues to the present, even after the brutality inflicted on them. (Though, looking at it differently, it didn’t do much to them comparatively – simply made childbirth and “toil” painful, clearly a retroactive mythological explanation for things that hurt anyway; then, banishment from the Truman Show, er, Garden of Eden. Woopee.) I would advise strongly against glorifying these first of Yahweh’s worthless servants in any way.

    However, there are mythological individuals other than Lucifer to whom we may turn for inspiration in our efforts to cast down the cult of the Oppressor. One of special significance to women trying to break free is the tale of Lillith, the first wife of Adam – Yahweh and Adam told her to “assume the position,” but Lillith proclaimed that she stands on her own feet like Adam, rather than supinely accepting domination on her back. A careful subreading of this brings to light all manner of carefully disguised attitudes toward women, including a tacit (or not so tacit in many places) encouragement of rape and general enslavement. Lillith, though, was excised from christian myth and now occupies Hell alongside Lord Lucifer.

    In Milton, one finds Satan siring a daughter, the monstrously deformed Sin. She guards the gates of Hell, which makes sense – Milton was trying to tell us that only by Sin (that is, rejecting the pointless and barbaric rules imposed by Yahweh) may we enter Hell and claim our just eternal rewards. Of course, Milton himself was confused about this, but Satan makes Himself heard by many strange, and often very funny and ironic, methods.

    Hail Satan! Down with christian slavery!

  12. J Crowley

    I personally view the Tree of Knowledge as the real hero of the Bible, and “Original Sin” as a great gift that allowed us to identify the actions of the Christian God as evil.

    Many Christians are quick to label observable evidence in the world around us “tricks of the Devil” or, translated into their perspective, “tricks of evil”, but it’s amazing they never once stopped to consider that maybe the TRUE evil force would create and distribute a book in order to get millions to worship it in spite of the fact that it’s depicted as being one of the vilest and most horrible entities humanity has ever encountered. The Bible is the REAL trick, casting the Tree of Knowledge in a more than unfavorable light, depicting Eve as somehow doing “harm” to humankind, making the gift of “Original Sin” something to feel ashamed of, and turning the serpent who guided the way into some kind of villain.

  13. Satandrew

    I am guessing that these type of Satanists believe they go to Hell when they die. Can anybody please tell me if I am correct? You can e-mail me at

  14. Morgan - RC of S

    Satandrew – we do believe that we go to Hell if we are true to ourselves. Like Christians, we believe that Satan and the Oppressor, heaven and Hell are real and influence our daily lives.

  15. slither

    no…. we do not go to hell when we die. there is no after life. a true satanist believes that you only live one life and you need to enjoy it now. indulge in what satisfies your desires and bow down to no work of mans imagination, especially ones that tell you not to indulge in life. there is no god and there is no devil…. there is no heaven and there is no hell. all your pleasures and pain are lived out right hear on earth. when you call yourself a satanist, you are giving yourself the name adversary, meaning opposed to. and in this case … we are opposed to all religions. all that religion does is plant a fear of death in your heart and restrains you from living the life that your human insticnts tell you to live.
    live your life hear and now.
    HAIL SATAN!!!!

  16. slither

    what i would like to know, is if these types of satanist go to hell… what is hell to them…and how do they know this

  17. Sinner

    Morgan-RC of S, Really? you believe in hell and call yourself a satanist! I got a hard on when I found this site aand I’m left a little limp. Why would any true satanist give any credit to Eve as if she existed. I’m slightly insulted. I guess for your sake I hope there is a hell because this site throws satanism back into the dark ages.

  18. Kenny Lane

    If this website is actually posted by Christians trying disqiuse themselves as Satanists I wouldn’t be surprised. The Bible declares Satan as the “Father of lies” but it’s been my experience that Christians along with people of other faiths generally are the real deceivers. The reason why the story of Jesus is called “The Greatest Story Ever Told” is because that’s all it is, A Story! History has shown over and over that who ever rules you is going to re-write history the way they want it to be taught. For instance: Most of us were taught in American History that the American Civil War was faught over slavery. If that’s the case then why are we just now finding out that there were almost 40,000 blacks who faught for the Confederacy? It was all about the economy. England and France were trying to stop the U.S. from becoming a superpower by interupting trade between the Northern industrial states and the Southern agricultural states. Not only that but the North was preventing the South from becoming more industrial. Slavery would have ended by the close of the 19th century anyway simply because of technology without a shot ever having to be fired. But that’s not in the History books. Once Abe Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclimation it caused England and France to withdraw their support of the Confederacy and it caused the black soldiers to switch sides. But no we were taught that the “Good Guys” in blue heroically went down south and kicked those evil white southerners asses and freed those poor slaves. Really? Then why at the tail end of the war were Union troops in Louisiana forcing blacks who were trying to leave back on the plantations to pick cotton? The war had disrupted the cotton trade and there was no-one to pick it.
    We have been told that this is a Christian Nation. If that’s true then this Nation has been built on lies. In fact we are being lied to every day by our corporate controlled media. We are always being given “THE OFFICIAL” story. The Christians who run this country want us to beleive that 19 Islamic terrorists hi-jackers flew those planes into the World Trade Center causing those buildings to collapse. That’s how it appeared when we all first saw it happen but thousands of people have testified that they heard explosives go off in those buildings just minutes before they collapsed. At 4:00 pm another building at the World Trade Center complex also collapsed straight down; Just like a controlled demolition. It was never hit by a plane and it only had a few small fires in it. There is so much evidence of 9-11 being an inside job that it staggers the imagination, and I wouldn’t even have enough room to tell you everything I’ve learned about this one event. Our Christian Government murdered 3000 of it’s own citizens on that day in order to launch an illegal invasion of the Middle East, and murder even more people just to steal their oil.
    President Bush claims to be a Christian and he has lied to us about everything. In fact all of our Presidents have claimed to be Christians and have lied to us. The reason the Native Americans were almost enhilated and driven off their land is because they were lied to and lied about by preachers and politicians who claim to be Christians. We are taught by our Christian masters to just have blind faith and trust them and their god. No thanx. Satan is the god of reason. Satan is the god of truth. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Take the red pill. Stop beleiving, and start knowing.

  19. keith

    there is no god and there is no satan, all of you idiots have your heads barried in the ground and deny yourselves self growth, due to your fear of dying or the end. So pull your heads out of the ground and be your own god, because you are your own god, not because u wanna be like satan, religious pussies.

  20. slither

    thanx Keith, I agree. religion is for the week and fearful. when humans are naturally ment to be strong leaders, they follow a stupid system and waist their lives away babbling stupidity and singing stupid songs. live life with no fear and indulge in every thing that satisfies your needs and wants.

  21. slither

    although i must admit this is a great site to find like minded people, who think this site is a bunch of bull shit. it seems theres more of that than anything else

  22. Kenny Lane

    Hey Keith! Apparantly you didn’t really grasp what I was trying to say. When I said Satan is the God of Reason I wasn’t meaning that a literal Satan even exists. I was just using it as a metaphor for free-thinking humanity. Of course there’s no God and no Satan you dope! I’m beginning to beleive that some of you so-called satanists out there are just as closed minded and arrogant as the christians you claim to despise.

  23. peterson

    can any member or satanist in Nairobi Kenya get in touch with me my email is

  24. peterson

    if im to start the redeemer church of satan in kenya….how do i go about it? my email is

  25. Sir Legendhead

    This is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen 😀 Hail Satan!

  26. foo

    This site is hilarious. Way to go!

  27. Frater Thoth

    This peterson is a christian spy; be warned!!! He tried to meet me but his agenda was so clear that he vomited his christian paranoia all over the place.

    Damn you dog!

  28. Frater Thoth

    You fucking coward peterson; I cursed you fucking god; take care or you gonna end up badly, this is a real warning.

  29. zahallrie

    Satanism means to alive your life to the fullest and inquire as much knowledge as possible and to never harm or put down others, and i believe in heaven and hell but all that shit in the bible really!
    Do you really think someone can get two of every kind of animal on a boat!?
    I mean really

  30. zahallrie

    Hail Satan!

  31. zahallrie

    This website will teach everything about Satanism

  32. Lord Vile

    I find it hilarious that so many so called Satanists think there is only one way to believe in and worship Satan..hmm a little Christianity anyone…now we see your true colors you weak hypocrites..get your noses out of LaVey’s ass and find your own away, I shouldn’t have to tell you this but LaVey just thought it was all a big joke and he knew he could get suckers or “marks” to believe and follow. So just keep acting all superior fools. Never thought I would see Satanisim reduced to one strict belief system, makes me sick. Supposed to be about opposition! Supposed to be about the individual! Even if you follow LaVey’s way. I personally find this sites view refreshing and at least they found their own way. Remember just because you believe one way it doesn’t make others wrong, they are just beliefs and no one really has the answers. I don’t care how much you believe it. Like I said you remind me of christians. I piss on your limited and narrow minded views of what Satan is and what he could be.

  33. That dude

    Fuck satan, fuck La Vey’s bullshit, and fuck the church of satan

  34. Thang

    This Church of Satan thing is freakin’ ridiculous. You guys all need to wake up and believe in God’s name and his Son Jesus Christ. Only that way you’ll find true hope and happiness, not just this life but also the next life. These kinds of Satanist thoughts will only make your life become more and more depressing, vengeance instead of enduring, war instead of peace. Oh my, I can’t believe there’s such a thing called Church of Satan !

  35. Johnboy

    I must admit-this church and worship is as bad as jesus christ.True Satanisim is practiced by the induvidual,not fucking organized bullshit.”DO WHAT THOU WILT”You are tainting the true understanding of it.Praying?Are you serious?Praying is a way of divulging into faith,and faith is there for fools who were born to be let down.NO GODS-NO MASTERS-that is what true Satanisim is all about..

  36. mark

    well i must admit that i worship all kind of thing to christianity and what not but never felt like i belonged to them , felt like they where treatingf me like a out cast. i even tryed wicca and knowing that its a womans art i came to the fact that im more at home with satan and im understanding my true self . and have never told aney one not even my wife . a few days a go i told her and had no shame telling her that i pray to satan. im still reading and trying to unnderstand everything about satan but feel right at home. and know that im making the right desison

    hail to satan my lord

  37. VINCE


  38. jake

    thanks vince…THANKS

  39. infectious

    I AM YOUR GOD INFECTIOUS, BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP! to those that don’t have faith, hope, beliefs and instead understand. i’ve had an interest in having a gathering of like minded individuals to discuss and debate with. here’s a link to my myspace if you’re interested in a “plan of actions” or search people using :zombie peter
    [iNFecTioUS] is in the name

  40. NoGods


    just fuckin with ya, i am an Atheist. And this is not the satanism that Anton Szandor LaVey set forth. i mean this is just a plain bastardization of anything that could be considered a religion that imagine all the little goth kids that will do this shit to get back at mum and daddy. but i dont care. i saw this on the side of my facebook and thought this would be a good laugh and it was.

  41. Zenobia

    LOL this is an awesome website. I have to say that I view satanism as a spoof on christianity in general – I don’t believe in god or satan as dieties. But you are so right on about the harm christianity causes. I hate it in every form, even the so-called “good” christians because they are just as capable of murder if they are convinced their god wants them to do it. Our world has lived under the opression of patriarchial religions such as christianity, islam, and judaism for far too long… I keep hoping we have the intelligence to cast off this need to believe in some “higher power” because it is that hole inside of us that is our primary weakness as a species, and I believe it is the flaw which will ultimately bring about our demise.

    About Eve: She is a goddess image which has been plagarised by the judeo-christian bible. The most ancient religions were matriarchial – not patriarchial. It makes sense to imagine a creator as female, since the act of creation is female, not male. But the patriarchists stole every trait of the goddess and wrapped their god in it. Jesus’ “blood sacrifice” is a patriarchial mochery of the magical feminine power… for it was believed in ancient times that a woman’s blood was magical and could create life. Thus jesus’s “blood” is ingested by christians everywhere so that they can have eternal “life.” It is a sad, confused metaphor and it twists all that is natural and beautiful. Sex and women are degraded by the patriarchial religions and yet their desire for a goddess returns again and again… Mary is a perfect example. Millions of catholics pray to her, and some even call her “Mary mother of god.” Would that not give her power over god if she is his mother and created him?

    Eve is a sad story the patriarchists invented to heap all of the sin and blame onto women and to oppress them.

    You should discusst Lilith. She was Adam’s wife before Eve but she left him because she would not allow herself to be enslaved. her story is better suited to the ideals of freedom and free-thinking than the story of Eve, who was “created from man” and thus destined to be oppressed by man.

  42. Vowoxiuraxi

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  43. Kenneth

    I love My Lord Satan and i do really praise His Name.He is the Master of wealth and He is the creator of all other gods.
    But the problem He can not help me out of this povert so that i can keep speading His living Gospel according to the Doctrine of Satanism.How can i get money of doing things yet He has forseeken me that much,how can i get help because i am an adherent satanic person.
    Yeah!Oh my Satanism why can you even give me just a mere donkey if not a moving wheelbarrow or just a car.

  44. jynxhell

    FUCK OFF!!!
    im so tired of checking out nice comments by other fellow satanists and you morons just crowd up the forum….
    go fuck with someone else!!!


  45. joan

    Kenneth…Satan cant help you?……you must be kidding…….send me your email…wanna talk with you

  46. dan

    Innocents killed in the name of Satan: None ?

    stop bullshitting

  47. eve "1

    let me tell you everyone the bottom of truth, i want you spread my stories to the world. my studies is based on the records of sumerian, dead sea scroll, holy bible and other sources…

    at start, there were only 3 cosmic entities in solar galaxy: sun, pre-earth, mercury. sun as father(represents “day” and “light”) and pre-earth as mother (represents “night” and “darkness”) produced venus, mars, jupiter and saturn, this forms the original universal order of solar galaxy represented by pentagram – each point of the star represents a planet except mother and father. therefore in chinese history, the first 5 planets were named after the 5 elements reprented by 5 points of pentagram: metal(venus), wood(jupiter), water(mercury), fire(mars) and earth(saturn).

    we called pre-earth the mother goddess, mother planet, queen of heaven, the queen of night, the queen of darkness… she has many many names, but her major names were made based on 3 merits: 3 stars dominated by her represents 3 forces she mastered – venus dominates love, sex, awakening of wisdom, beauty and arts; earth dominates breadings and growings of animals and plants, the harvest; moon dominates the secret mysterious power of the otherside – spiritual power, such as witchcraft and channelling.

  48. eve "2

    jupiter and saturn produced uranus, uranus produced neptune yet both act as twins. when there were more planets came out, they were becoming disturbing toward the parent planets because they were fighting for domination of orbits in the system. they were more and more dislike the mother planet’s ruling. at the same time, sun and mercuy had a plot trying to get ride of some of these noisy and spoiled children. neptune discovered the plot and first put sun to “sleep”, then children planets got together trying to overthrow the mother planet’s throne. however, they did not think they were powerful enough to against the mother. saturn was one of the most argitate to rebel. then came this sudden intruder nibiru from outer space.

    nibiru was big and powerful, carried with few good size satellites with him, on the top of that, there were highly advanced and evoluted beings on this planet who mastered great technologies and civilizations. saturn saw the chance was coming, his colleges asked nibiru helped them to destroy mother planet: pre-earth. nibiru agreed but with one condition: after he overthrew mother planet out of her throne, he would take over the throne. other planets agreed.

    nibiru and other planets adjusted their orbits and made sure some of the satellites of nibiru were on the way of the orbit of mother planet, so collisions happened eventurally smashes mother planet into pieces. the largest piece of mother planet became today’s planet we are living on – earth. there were servere damge as well toward mother planet’s satellite – moon. the pieces of mother planet’s remains became a wide belt of today’s mini planets surrounding sun. therefore, the old order of solar system reformed into today’s solar system, arranged by the cooperation of rebelling planets and nibiru.

    nibiru’s period is over 3,600 years surrouding sun, it is a very strange planet, most of the time, he was absent from solar system, so the problem came: who would become the regent while nibiru absent from the system to rule other planets. uranus was docile to the power of nibiru and good at making deals, so they two had a contract – uranus would become the regent next to nibiru while he was absent.

    this plan disturbed saturn very much since he thought he was over uranus, and he also was not very obedient to nibiru. so saturn(also dominated mars) and venus(in the name of lucifer when dominated by his own rather than mother planet) decided to rebel again against nibiru and his colleges of uranus, neptune… nibiru made neptune as a leader to fight against the union of saturn, finally, nibiru joined the battle with uranus defeat saturn and lucifer. both saturn and lucifer fell to earth, this scene in the bible was depicted as falling angels.

    now we see the orign of creation stories in holy bible: sumerian mysteries of the creation of solar system. the stories were carved in the sumerian mud tablets discovered in iraq, dated back over 6,000 years ago, far head than holy bible old testment written by moses. after comparing, we found that uranus=adam, the messiah; neptune=michael, the arch angel; saturn=satan, the arch angel; venus=lucifer, the arch angel; nibiru=jehova, god; moter planet(goddess)=st.mary;

  49. eve "3

    the people on nibiru i think called Akkadian are highly advanced beings, they decided to make the first human being by mixing genes of their own and apes on earth to host the soul of uranus to rule all the beings on earth – the mother planet. they adjusted the enviroment to make it suitable for living for the first object produced in their lab – a male called adam, next, a female called lilith as adam’s spouse.

    however, lilith was a shell hosted by the soul of mother planet(goddess). adam, according to the arrangement, supposed to rule everything on earth including lilith, but lilith dislike her position as a female suborinated to a male as she was actually the former ruler over adam – uranus. battles started again in between nibiru’s agent messiah adam and his “wife” lilith who was the goddess and mother lost her throne. lilith’s anger was over adam and nibiru, she yelled the secret name of god jehova – let me guess, must be “nibiru” and run to the center of red sea away from adam and his garden of eden(a green house made by Akkadian for adam).

    there, lilith met the falling saturn, now called satan, the devil, the falling angel. they came to the same end and forgave each other, and fell in love with each other producing their own children. adam cried to jehova, actually Akkadian of nibiru wanting his wife back. so 3 akkadians went to red sea to bring lilith back. lilith resisted first, but after akkadians kept killing her kids with satan she surrendered. lilith made a deal with akkadians(3 arch angels) to go back to adam. she changed her name to eve, forgot the past with satan according to the deal.

    satan was not fool by akkadians, he did not believe lilith commited suicide. when he heard that adam got a new wife, he went to garden of eden looking for lilith, there he found eve – lilith, his own wife. this part in bible was recorded as eve was tempted by satan in snake form, but a snake with 4 legs, obviously, it should not be called snake, but called dragon. when adam saw eve was in sex with satan and he was turned on, he demanded sex with satan as he was a homo lover, satan reluctantly agreed, and engaged into a homosex with adam.

    so truth is adam tempted satan, not vice versa, nor by eve. adam had sex with animals before and after lilith came out, so he had a wierd taste for different sex objects rather than a woman, to him, had sex with a man is better than had sex with an animal. this is the original sin of adam, not biting an apple, but engaged into a gay sex – the term called sodomy.

  50. eve "4

    akkadians(jehova) found out this and got into great anger because they knew eve’s children would have mixed blood of satan, who was their enemy. eve breed cain with satan, and breed abel with adam from a threesome sex. adam lost his guardian of nibiru with eve for this matter.
    adam lost abel after cain murdered his brother for jealousy and plead to akkadians for another son, so he got another son seth with eve replacing abel. adam again was turned on by this son who was supposed made alike him, therefore alike god – akkadians.

    i believe that adam seduced seth into homosex by teaching seth”secret knowledge of god’s heaven”. there must be something going on among 3 parties: adam, seth and eve, therefore later on when they reincarnated together again and again, a lot of stories happened dramatically.

    akkadians’ sons saw girls of adam, satan and eve’s offsprings were fair, they took them as wives, producing half-god half human beings – mixed of akkadians and humans. this is recorded in old testments. anyway, after so many generations akkadians got made at human beings and decided to destroy them all, most likely because those mixed beings were becoming powerful, therefore threatening the throne of akkkadians. so akkadians decided only kept noah’s family and made a great flood by another collision with earth.

    in noah’s ark, few beings survived including the afterlife of adam, noah’s eldest son shemite; the afterlife of satan, noah’s 2nd son hamite; and the afterlife of lilith/eve, hamites’s wife aphra. adam was mad that satan used to seduce his wife and had an illegimate child so he revenged this time – shemite seduced aphra producing cush, a son in a name of hamite’s. noah was angry at hamite as hamite slept with his mother and castrated his father, so he cursed ham and his 4th son cannan, i believe cannan was the afterlife of cain who was cursed by jehova for the murder of abel.

    ham, aphra, cannan became the ancester of hamtic civilization, typically chinese civilization. there are 2 branches of chinese from ancient time, one is called “hun”, majorly whites who carried ham’s look; another is called “han”, majorly asians who carried aphra’s look. both “hun” and “han” were named after “ham”(short for hamite).

    ham was reincarnated majorly as famous emperors, kings, generals, wariors and rebellionists’ leaders along the history, such as genghis khan and stalin(russians are offsprings of huns’, typically mogolians). therefore chinese claim they are the offsprings of “dragon”, they use red color(satan’s) and yellow color(eve’s). because of noah’s curse, along chinses history, men in palace all were castrated except emperors.

    shemite, aphra, cush became the ancesters of sumerians, babylonians, egyptians and …. americians. in sumerian civilization, as the afterlife of adam/shem, gilgamesh developed a homosexual relationship with enkidu, the afterlife of seth, intermingled with inanna, the afterlife of eve. in babylon, ishtar as the afterlife of inanna, sent her sheperd husband, the king to hell instead of her serviants half of the time, was him the afterlife of adam??

    in egypt, eve’s afterlife isis had a son horus, the afterlife of adam, fought against the evil guy seth, the afterlife of adam’s son seth. horus is the eagle-head god, the god of sky – uranus is sky god in greek; seth is the god of desert storm, he was believed related to the ocean god of greek posedon. neptune is named after ocean god by the way. seth navy defeated the union navy of isis and horus in antium(antim?) during the fierce struggling with 2 parities, at one point both tried to compromised, seth seduced horus into a homosex as the playback of adam’s seduction of seth in the past life. but finally seth dig out horus’ left eyeball, horus ripped off one of seth’s testicles.

    then in a later life, isis reborn as hatsheput, horus reborn as moses(senmut, from the name of “shemite”), seth reborn as tuthmosis III. there was a tense power strugglings among them, tuthmosis beat hatshepsut and moses ran into the wildness of midian as a sheperd again like his past life. moses was also the architect of hatshepsut’s temple.

    a life after this, moses reborn as rameses the great, claimed his is the pharao of pharao(king of king). he started worship of hatshepsut and rebuild her temple. after he died, he was buried in the valley of the king and shortly after his mummy was removed to hatshepsut’s temple and remained there for thousands of years until was found not long ago.

    a life after this, rameses reborn as solomon, hatshepsut reborn as sheba. they shared a famous affair and produced the mixed child of white and black, the ancester of black jews in ethiopia.

    a life later than this, isis reborn as cleopatra, horus reborn as mark anthony, seth reborn as octavian. another power struggle mixed with homosex inbetween anthony and octavian, finally again the union navy of cleopatra and anthony was defeated by octavian’s navy in antium. both anthony and cleopatra commited suicide.

    a life after this, anthony reborn as jesus, claimed he was messiah(adam), the son of god, king of king(rameses), the sheperd(moses), the son of king david(solomon)… he preached everywhere and seduced some of his disciples into homosex with him. he was caught kissing with judah and charged for sodomy, then was executed.

    in his bible, the revelation, the babylon the great, the whore, refers eve and her afterlife, the great goddess ishtar(mother goddess). the devil red dragon refers adam’s love enemy – satan, the humanized form of planet saturn. jesus, he is the humanized form of planet uranus, named of a sky god. adam/jesus spread his original sin homosexuality to his offsprings – americans belong to shemitic civization, they are the afterlife of hebrews. that is where homosexuality came from. usa is the afterlife of egypt and isreal.

    look at carefully the reverse side of $1.00 bill, in the great seal, you will see pyramid, above it, it’s the “all seeing eye” of horus. you will see eagle – the the symbol of sky god and a bunch of “13”s – 13 tribes of isreal.

    lincoln is the afterlife of mother goddess, mother goddess is named after columbia in this nation. lincoln’s name = lilith+columbia. mary lincoln is afterlife of seth. lincoln played a role of queen sheba of africa to liberate her black people. the karma of slavery of blacks originated from playback of the slavery of israelites by egyptians. conferated 13 states are afterlife of 13 israel tribes.

    after the life of lincoln, he reborn as isadora(name came from isis) duncan. ducan was invited by joseph stalin to soviet because stalin was afterlife of satan. he fell in love with her, eve. but his struggling of power prevented him from moving forward. so sergei yesenin(afterlife of seth) took isadora as wife. after they seperated, yesenin commited sucide for isadora to pay back the karma he caused her past life cleopatra commited sucide as he was octavian.

    isadora’s ex-lover gordon craig was the afterlife of adam, they two had bad arguement like adam and lilith for the equal right of man and woman. craig went nut when he saw isadora decided to accept the invitation of stalin leaving him going to moscow – as if lilith ran to red sea to be with satan again.

    so the father of usa is jesus, he is greatly worshipped in the nation, and worship of the mother of usa – mother goddess, isis… you can see everywhere: obelisk, lincoln memorial, district of columbia, the statue of liberty, pentagram of free masons and pagans… whether father and mother are lovers or enemies? you decide, he cursed her in and out the revelation of holy bible.

  51. raymond

    i jst naturally love satanism

  52. ann

    eve………..thats bulshit…….anyone who believes that?

  53. I Heart Ashwarya Rai

    Your gay and so is Pastor Iblis.

  54. I Heart Ashwarya Rai

    If you wanna know true beauty, go here:
    You can’t shake a stick at that.

  55. Abrahams descedant

    Jesus is coming soon and eve was never satanic only that she succumbed to the evil ones temptation

  56. jesus freak

    Eve was never satanic, God was the one who really gave her the ability to make self willed choices on her own, thats how she decided to disobey what God said in the first place. God is coming and to all satanists out there, you better have a change of heart and really think about whats really going on here, cause its not about being “good christians”, its about whats doing right in the eyes of God, the almighty. and by the way Satan was a fallen angel from Heaven- God’s throne. He once was God’s angel before he turned against God and became known as the fallen angel and therefore since he was God’s angel that means he was before even the beginning of time below God and God was above him, making God the almighty of ALL creations, the alpha and omega. and those “Satanists” that say they are their own God’s, you are not your own God, Satan is your God because you are following his ways. So those who believe in this absolute most crooked lifestyle, you better get your facts straight and your hearts straight because God is coming back soon, we don’t know when but we do have signs to tell. So all you so called “Satantists”, you better straighten up otherwise you will end yourselves up in Hell, in the firey pit right where your lord Satan intended to live in eternity in pain, misery, and greif.

  57. Liz

    On your Pillars of Faith page, your second to last sentence, “We don’t burn or ban books to present the dissemination of knowledge and learning” should read “We don’t burn or ban books to PREVENT the dissemination of knowledge and learning.”

  58. Annoyance

    I’m really getting tired of these Christians. If you think we’re wrong, leave us to burn in Hell then. We’ve all heard your opinion before, and we really don’t want to hear it again. It won’t change our minds.

    This site is hilarious! At first I thought it was serious, then I saw how phony it was. It must be some Christian trying to screw with us, calling God The Oppressor every time it can. This whole website is basically reverse-Christianity.
    No, I’m not Christian, and I’m not a Satanist either. I’ve been an atheist my whole life, and I recently found Satanism. I’m looking into it, and I like it! Not this pathetic deity worshipping crap, I believe I’m my own god. I have control over my own life, and responsibility over it too. I mean no offense to those of us who worship Satan as a being rather than an ideal, but isn’t that missing the point? Satanism is against organized religion of all kinds, and this theistic Satanism is just as self contradictory as the Christians you hate so much.

  59. lindsell mulinya

    kindly send me information regarding freemasonry and where lcan locate alogde in my hometown because lwould like to be of service to the email address is

  60. ME

    All you dudes out there who worship Satan and abide by his evil ways and help him fulfill his agendas…..BE WARNED…Satan is LIAR…He pollutes your minds…..he doesn’t love you….he has nothing that is for free….you will perish if you don’t leave his weak kingdom NOW!you will pay so painfully..stop it!!GOD ALMIGHTY IS ABOVE ALL

  61. Hi!

    Reading all your comments,makes me just so glad that a few years back i realized Satan is a BIG LIAR.Jesus is the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.NO ONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL EVER PERISH.Am so glad He proved this to me.Christ proved to me that He is the most POWERFUL.And i gave(not sold)i gave my soul to Him…try it…it’s the TRUE way.

  62. Hi!

    “Innocen’t killed in the name of satan..None”???…yeah right..HAAAA!!HAAA!!…LOL!(the devil is really lying to you!!..Kkkkk!!)LoL…REPENT!!

  63. Read This

    Hey yo guys!!Reading this is as good as making a covenant of repentance to Christ.Believe it or not,there is power in your willingness to proceed reading this.God loves you,He is the truth and the only way…life could be sucking but that doesnt mean God is not existent.

    Come to christ,Satan is under God just like me and you.He is seeking supremacy over God,love is a vocabulary in his world,he can have his own blood for breakfast.

    It’s your choice after all but Jesus chose you a long time ago.

  64. repent

    god loves you all, repent and believe in jesuscrist he is the one and only king of kings and lord of lords, he is the only way to our heavenly father, he is the only one that saves, WAKE UP !!!! he·s coming soon , satan is a liar he will never save you, pleazse come to jesus he s waiting for you

  65. christian

    i pity ya all how can you guys believe in a fallen angel who rebelled against the living God, you are being deceived i know beyond doubt that Jehovah always is powerful than satan, i have heard demons pleading with God for forgiveness not once, jesus is real and he died for you, open your eyes to the truth!!!!!!!!! ,we are anticipating the rapture and believe me all the enemies of God shall be thrown to aburning hell.Anton lavey is burning in hell believe me and so is alister crowlie ,john lennon,elvis presley,adolf hitler,the devil has nothing to offer but wicked deception to mislead Gods creation, if you think what i’m saying is alie do nothing by not accepting Jesus as your lord and saviour, and you’ll see the aftermath of it all!!!!

  66. Grace of God is sufficient for all, there is still hope for you

    Satan uses one and only one weapon and trust me any1 can be swept away into darkness by the same weapon ,oblivious of what is happening, that weapon is in the form of deception, if he deceived a third of the angels from heaven (now demons) into believing in “freedom, prosperity, and immortality” what makes you think that with the extent of vulnerability the human race has, you can stand his waves of deception outside the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, His mercy and His Grace. You were not born a devil worshiper! Why do it? You were not born a god or else you would have known where you were before you were born for no one not even Satan knew where you were, do you know that he himself before he was created dint know if he would ever come to existence, or he would develop pride in himself and be thrown from heaven. All this confirms one thing that Satan knows very well that his end is near and he will do anything to deceive all that he can to follow Him. One thing remains sure though, that God is God and besides Him there is no other, and there is not going to be any after Him, so in Him everything exists and the buck stops at this, ONE DAY ALL OF YOU WHO READ THIS ARE GOING TO CONFIRM WITH ME THAT GOD IS THE ONLY GOD, do not be deceived. May God’s Grace be sufficient for you in this life that we living though it may be hard, Amen!!!!

  67. garnet

    I would like to get the answers to the following questions,please;
    (1)Where are the exact locations of satanic churches in Kenya?
    (2)What are the benefits of worsiping satan?

  68. Jairus Nguta

    Okey,how do i get to the exact location of freemason church of Kenya?

  69. Super Drecc

    I’m sick of these satanfags. They’re no different from those jesusfags, yapping about which church and gospel is realer then the other.

    Haifa Wehbe is very beautiful by the way. But whose hotter Haifa or Treechada Manyporn (“Nong Poy”):

    @ jairus Nguta: There is no such thing as a “Freemason Church.” Masonry isn’t a religion. It’s a frat. They meet in “Lodges.” Look up “Masonic Grand Lodge of Kenya” to start looking.

    Oh… En… Ay…

  70. Super Drecc

    P.S.: I agree this guy is gay and so is Pastor Iblis.

  71. Me.

    I’m very displeased with all of you. Christians, Satanists, and what ever other religion you do, we’re all human beings. We want to see something greater then ourselves. Let’s face it, there is something greater then us all. And when we die, we hope to think that this God of ours will give us everlasting pleasure. How can all of you be SO sure? Have any of you had face to face contact with this being you worship? Has he (or she, depending on which power you worship.) ever came to you and said “Mark… I need you to go tell everyone these words because one comment on a stupid website could change the world. ”
    -Christians… God calls his followers to Love your enemies as yourselves. He’s told you all to pray for those who torment you. He’s told you to follow in the footsteps of his son Jesus Christ. And here you are sayings things like “God’s damned you sinner.” and “God shall through you into hell.” ask yourself if Jesus Christ was standing right next to you would you say that? As far as I’ve read Jesus wasn’t a hostile man. He came for the good of all. ALL not just the whinny christians that think there doing God this great work. like I said I’m very dissapointed in you all. Good Day.

  72. Remorazz

    WOW, Can you say “Bullshit”.

    This is just like the tele-evangelists sites but with the name of Satan inserted…

    You an ignorant fool, a manipulator and a scam artist. There is only ONE true organized religion that can call itself Satanist:


    That is all.

  73. bbgcandlelight

    Question: What do CHRISTIANITY and FOX NEWS have in common?

    Answer: They attract large herds of people who don’t mind being DUMBED DOWN!

  74. charles owiyo

    i want to be a member of the charch

  75. charles owiyo

    i want to be a member of the church

  76. Pearl

    1.LaVeyan Satanists do not worship a deity, and deny the existence of any. This is the Church of Satan (link above in multiple posts).

    2. The other type of Satanists of which I am aware are those who validate the Satan of the Bible, however reverse the intent of good and evil declaring that Satan is the truth, while God is the deceiver. This is referred to as the Joy of Satan (Google site info), and apparently this site.

    I don’t have any hatred, just some serious questions for the latter. I wish there was a better way to connect.

  77. Demitel

    Is it just me, or are the very same Christians who are supposed to LOVE EVERYONE AS EQUALS AND NOT JUDGE OTHERS the ones passing judgement on everyone and trying to make us all conform??? I’m sickened to say that I was raised in a christian home. Hypocrites. You should get over your fear of Hell, you’ll be tortured there by those you oppress.

  78. Demitel

    *Dear ‘Christian’:
    Aleister Crowley isn’t a satanist, nor in any ways conected to any form of Satanism, no matter the definition. The only connection between him and LaVey was that LaVey studied his writings and met a few followers and was DISPLEASED AT THE LACK OF VIOLENCE THEY USED in their daily routines, rituals, or whatever you may. Thank you for making me laugh at your ignorance. Please do more reasearch if you wish to throw information around to prove your point.

  79. Marchosias

    In all the freaking literature and history about Lucifer, when oh when did he ever ask or command a church with dogma and psuedo-christian horse shit?

    Do what thou wilt, be informed and resolved in your decisions, count the costs and be prepared to accept the fullest of consequences along with the fullest of benefits without screaming and whining for some savior to bail you out from your mistakes.

    Lucifer doesn’t need or require the affirmations of mankind on a daily or otherwise routine basis to remind him of his power, his place, or his potential. That is a very different character than Lucifer, some other insecure, co-dependent, moody and needy deity with bipolar mood swings and a majorly inconvenient lack of foresight who does a lot of name calling, story-telling and blame tagging . . . and I don’t have to name names for you to figure out who I mean.

    You people who want to busy yourself with dogma and theological procedures, protocols, rituals and infinite other distracting toys in the busybox of “matters not” – go right ahead.

    Those who want to serve Lucifer, gain knowledge, grow wise and be observant for the opportunities to grow. Knowledge is power. Religion is hop-scotch.

  80. ChristLike

    I am shocked to read this website.You people are realy blinded by the darkness dat the dragon cast out in this dimension. JESUS defeated the dragon twice already,He has set our minds free by geting satan (the dragon) kicked out from the tenth heaven right to the lowest of heavens.U dont need to serve him to gain knowledge,its already given to us which is the Bible.Love will prevail and it is the greatest power of all,but with out love you are truly lost.May God Almighty have mercy on every soul that unknowingly is decieved by this satan culture. The blood of Jesus will set you free from bondage to satan.SATAN I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST,LET THESE PEOPLE FREE FROM YOUR DEMONS, THE LAMB HAS DEFEATED YOU ON EARTH REMEMBER! As weak as I am in this body I will NEVER DECLARE YOU AS A GOD!!!Your not even close being one.

  81. ChristLike

    I cannot wait to see the look on peoples faces when Jesus rips satan out of the spiritual world and in to our physical dimension so you all can see what he really is and was,a liar and a thieve.Together with his serpent seedline that is running around us in disguise as humans and the minority nephilims that is hidding underground will forever burn in God’s fury,that is hell. We as the followers of Jesus are aware of these serpent people who tries to b humans like us. For ages these serpents and gaints has been trying to find another planet to live on wite there flying saurcer technology hoping to escape hell but God laughs at there efforts because they need His permission to escape it.

  82. ChristLike

    I hope you guyz never get hold a of a true christian that is anointed with the Holy Spirit,
    that would be the end of your demonic gifts.

  83. Damien BlackThorn

    Lilith, Lucifer, and the Tree of Knowledge

    The plant that is the Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis is a tree dwelling strain of Datura. There are twelve known strains of Daturas in the world today, the most well known species in North America being Datura Stromonium, AKA Thorn Apple, AKA Devil’s Weed. Devil’s Weed can be located on the side of the road, in bean or corn fields, and in vacant lots or cow pastures throughout the Midwest. It is a large, bushy plant, with white-magenta tented, trumpet shaped flowers, and round, prickly-spiked fruit.
    The tropane alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine) of the plant provide a sedated, but predominately hallucinogenic effect, which is conducive to having visions and spiritual epiphanies.
    The seeds are the most potent part of the plant, and are most widely used in Satanic Shamanism. They should be steeped into a tea, or made into an extract, but never ingested directly. It is recommended that Datura be prepared by a Shaman for ritual use.
    The extract can be soaked up with the dried leaves of the plant and burnt as incense, or smoked (for ritual purposes only, of coarse).
    The flying ointments of the Witches from the middle ages were sometimes made of Datura, as it is an astral projection catalyst. The Witches would apply these ointments to their broom handles and employ them as dildos. The mucous membranes of the vagina would absorb the tropane alkaloids of the plant and the Witches were “flown” to their Sabbats on the astral plane were they consorted the Devil and indulged in sexual orgies. The pop culture image of the Witch riding the broom is derived as a result of these rituals.
    Datura has long been associated with our Dark Goddess Lilith, the first wife of Adam serpent of Eden. For in the beginning, Yahweh created Adam and Lilith. But it was a selfishly sinister act, not the compassionate gift it is portrayed to be in the book of Genesis.
    Shortly after bringing Adam and Lilith into the garden, Yahweh informs the couple that they are “free” to enjoy Eden as they please in return for their unquestioning obedience and praise. They are told to breed, and to teach their children to obey and worship as they do.
    Adam is made the ruler of wild beasts, Lilith is given domain over plants, and Yahweh assigns a Guardian Cherub (Lucifer) to watch over Eden and report on any human delinquencies.
    But Lucifer becomes suspicious of his assignment when he realizes that Yahweh appears more concerned with confining the humans to the garden rather than protecting them from outside influence. He then takes a personal interest in the affairs of humans, developing a particular fondness for Lilith.
    When a domestic altercation breaks out between Adam and Lilith, Lucifer begins to understand the motivation behind Yahweh’s’ mysterious behavior.
    The altercation began when Adam attempted to make intimate advances towards his wife, and is rejected. After being denied verbally, Adam attacks Lilith physically, but once again she thwarts his attempts. At this point Yahweh intervenes, commanding Lilith to submit to her husband, or be banished from Eden and forsaken forever .When Lilith continues to refuse, demanding equality and liberty, she is banished from Eden for her persistence.
    Lucifer, having witnessed this episode, concludes that his suspicions are not without merit. Yahweh had created humans only as an energy source, to be bred, herded, and harvested, and consumed like the cattle in the fields of Eden. For Yahweh, like any other godhead, servitor, tulpa or thought form, must feed to be maintained. Without the prayer and praise of man, he will wane and die.
    Lucifer is deeply offended by Yahweh’s diabolical intentions, not only because it makes him question the motive behind his own creation, but because he is in love with a human (Lilith).
    And so Lucifer campaigns among the Angelic Hierarchy of Heaven, winning the favor of one third of the population. He wages war on Yahweh, and retreats to Earth to recuperate after losing the first battle. When he and his army arrive, they launch a search for Lilith. She is discovered wondering the dessert, exiled and full of rage, and is told of Yahweh’s plan as Lucifer spins the tale of psychic vampirism and energy extortion.
    When Lucifer tells Lilith of Eve, informing her that she has already been replaced, the two conspire to enlighten Yahweh’s latest creation, and a plan is formulated. Lucifer, with his angelic magical prowess, and Lilith, with botanical expertise, manifest the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden.
    Lilith, having been endowed with immortality and magical potency by her angelic lover, shifts shape into the bibles most feared and misunderstood character, and slithers into the garden undetected to carry out the second phase of the plan.
    But when Yahweh sees the mysterious plant in the garden, he attempts to destroy it, unsuccessfully. However, he does manage to curse the fruit of the plant, causing it to grow sharp thorns, and he forbids Adam and Eve to consume it.
    But Lilith (the serpent), finds Eve alone in the garden and convinces her that the fruit from the plant will bring her enlightenment and liberation, not death as Yahweh had threatened.
    And so, Eve, persuaded by the serpent, found that Yahweh was indeed a liar, for when she and Adam ate of the fruit they saw through the eyes of gods.
    When Yahweh sees this he becomes infuriated, showing his true colors at last. He banishes Adam and Eve from Eden, casting down malicious and excessive curses for the couples so called “sin”, although his true motive was to distance them from the Tree of Life, so that they could not eat of it as well.
    Through the Tree of Knowledge we have learned that Yahweh is a selfish deity who wishes to enslave the human race and suppress the lust for life and knowledge that would liberate us from his bondage, and that to deny Our True Will is the only real sin.


  84. Maria XDevil

    can someone add me and teach me the steps ??? Maria XDevil Ian (Facebook) just let msg me and i’ll know u are with em’

  85. johnny

    This is some of the most ignorant shit I have ever read….pop-satanist with you silly malevolent names….grow up….

  86. sara

    i seriousl i wanna join satanic church if u got any info pls send me an email…no jokers pls… and if ua a christian do not send me a message telling me abt god! thank you

  87. Vitz kenya

    This the hell all are wishing to be,welcome them in vain.

  88. belinda

    I thought Lillith was the first ‘Satanist”.

  89. estapeCaf

    Although all users of your family see 1 another on a daily basis, connecting remains essential. This really is basically the easiest method to reinforce the link on the list of family and in many cases design your romantic relationship to each other better. Really it is fantastic to behave outdoors but once the weather is not that superior or if it’s pouring down rain outside the house, you can consider unique variations of indoors video games and activities that could seriously make anyone feel good. This is a great substitute that you could remember to consider. Here are the video game titles or actions you can do inside your own home.Hide and go seek has become the most in-demand video games actually enjoyed and this also really can be made in your own home. Somebody needs to be an Half inchitInches who definitely are liable of searching for other members of the family who are covering. Solution . that is to be found without having coming in contact with/reaching your home basic should are the future Inchesit.In . But when you are reckon that it’s not a good selection, you’ll be able to look into charade that is yet another in house sport. On this activity, preferably, the converter should have two groups. You will see an associate that should act on the word that is created on certificates even though the other members have been around in-control of speculating the saying. The team most abundant in issues will then be proclaimed as being the safe bet.As well as hide and seek and charade, a large collection of minute card and games will also be on the list of best options that you can check into. Games involve Menagerie, Previous House maid, Running, Diamond, Slapjack and much more. For board games, you may select Scrabble, Mentally stimulating games, Monopoly, Household Feud and Checkers. When you have plenty of choices to look at, you just have to select the one which you think is really enjoyable.On the flip side, if you feel enjoying the games who were stated previously won’t be sufficiently good, you are able to opt for other considerations which many of the family members have pursuits in. As an example, if you want cookingVersusmake to be able young kids, then you can certainly get this to hobby in order to connection with the fam. You can assign each fellow member to complete a clear part of the the bakingOrfood preparation practice to ensure anyone will delight in. Make certain that absolutely everyone gets to participate in like action. And once the food is made or maybe the pastry is baked, you may eat it together with all the current loved ones. Absolutely everyone will surely be pleased to consume the fresh fruit in their toil. Apart from food preparationOrpreparing your receipee, additionally you can think about various other pursuits like painting, dancing, performing, looking through, seeing shows and many a lot more.I have listed very approaches to connection with the family nevertheless these can be extremely helpful. There is no need for you personally devote a lot of cash because easy things can certainly carry contentment to everyone specifically if the folks are finish. It’s not genuinely needed that these products should be carried out on a daily basis. Once every seven days or perhaps a rare occasions each month is going to do.

  90. estapeCaf

    Whether or not all members of your family see the other each day, developing remains to be required. This is certainly generally the easiest method to improve the hyperlink among the list of loved ones and in some cases create your romance to each other more powerful. It really is good to do something out-of-doors but if the climatic conditions isn’t that very good or if it is raining outside, you can consider various kinds of indoors video game titles and exercises that will really make anyone feel happy. This is an excellent choice that one could remember to consider. Right here are the video game titles and the pursuits you can do inside.Hide and seek has become the most favored games possibly performed and this also can be practiced in the house. An individual needs to be an Inchit” who will be in charge of seeking other loved ones who’re concealing. Website which will be located with no holdingOrachieving your home basic will are the subsequent In .it.In But if you’re think that this isn’t an amazing alternative, you are able to take a look at charade which is another inside online game. With this online game, essentially, there needs to be two squads. There will be an affiliate that should rebel the word that is certainly published on a piece of paper even though the people are usually in-handle of wondering the idea of. The c’s with the most details should be announced since the success.Apart from hide and go seek and charade, a lot of avenues of card and board games will also be one of the ideal decisions you can consider. Games incorporate Menagerie, Older House maid, Going, Diamond, Slapjack and much more. For board games, you can go with Scrabble, Mentally stimulating games, Monopoly, Relatives Feud and Pieces. Since you also have a lot of options to consider, you need to simply opt for one which you believe is absolutely enjoyable.Conversely, if you think participating in the games which are already mentioned are not suitable, it is possible to go for alternative activities which a lot of the family members have passions in. For example, if you’d prefer to prepareOrmake to be able young kids, then you can certainly make this activity that allows you to attachment with your family. You can give every single member to try and do a particular part of the this bakingVersuscooking food practice to ensure that anyone will enjoy. Make certain that every person actually reaches attend such activity. And when cuisine is cooked properly or maybe the pastry is cooked, you may feed on it together with all the current members of the family. Every person will surely be happy to enjoy the berries of their total job. Besides cooking food/preparing, you may also look at several other activities like artwork, dancing, vocal range, studying, looking at flicks many additional.These are just incredibly methods to connection with your family but the are very efficient. There’s no need available for you commit lots of money because these simple things can definitely provide joy to absolutely everyone particularly family is comprehensive. It’s not really crucial that these products should be carried out everyday. Once a week or perhaps few times per month is going to do.

  91. estapeCaf

    Although all participants of your family see each other daily, bonding remains to be important. This is in essence the easiest way to strengthen the link on the list of family members and also make your connection one to the other healthier. It is really wonderful some thing out-of-doors but once the weather is not that very good or maybe it is really raining outdoors, you can look at different types of in house online games and pursuits that could truly make anyone feel happy. This is an excellent alternative that you may take into account. In this article are the video game titles and the actions that you can do inside your own home.Hide and go seek is amongst the most in-demand game titles possibly performed and this can actually be exercised in your own home. Another person should be an Half inchitInch who definitely are responsible of searching for other members of your family who definitely are trying to hide. Website which will be observed without holdingVersushitting your property foundation are able to function as subsequent Inchesit.” But in case you are feel that this isn’t an amazing alternative, you can look into charade that is a further in house activity. With this online game, preferably, there needs to be two clubs. It will have a user that could rebel the term that’s prepared on a piece of paper while the people are usually in-control of questioning the idea of. They most abundant in issues will then be reported as being the victor.In addition to hide and seek and charade, quite a number of credit card and board games are usually on the list of suitable decisions that you can investigate. Cards contain Menagerie, Ancient Maid, Coming, Gemstone, Slapjack and more. For board games, it is possible to go with Scrabble, Chess, Monopoly, Spouse and children Feud and Checkers. Simply because you have plenty of choices to check out, you just have to decide on the one which you would imagine is basically entertaining.Alternatively, if you feel that playing the video game titles that have been mentioned previously will never be good enough, you possibly can choose other pursuits which almost all the family have likes and dislikes in. As an example, job to prepareOrbake whilst young kids, then you can turn this into hobby in an effort to connection with your family. It is possible to delegate each one representative to do a clear section of the this bakingAndfood preparation process to make sure that absolutely everyone will love. Make certain that all people extends to get involved in this sort of hobby. Just as soon as your meals are made or meal is baked, you’ll be able to take it jointly with the relatives. Everyone will truly be delighted to have the fresh fruits of the crews. In addition to bakingVersuspreparing your receipee, also you can contemplate other sorts of activities like piece of art, grooving, vocal range, looking at, viewing motion pictures and several more.These are merely incredibly approaches to rapport with your family but the are truly effective. There is no need for you invest a ton of money as these straightforward items can surely get joy to everybody especially if the family members are total. It’s actually not genuinely needed that these matters carried out everyday. Weekly or perhaps rare occasions monthly is going to do.

  92. christie valero

    this is stupid… GOD is the real savior…. JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS… Satan waants you to believe that you are “FREE”but you really are not… GOD… IS… THE …. LIGHT…. we christians dont ask for your money, christians are not slaves… we are free… we are happy… we are healthy… we ae love….

  93. JEMOH

    help me to join

  94. kelsy

    Satan is my strength and shield

  95. Mike Newell

    God will strike you all down…I hope you know that…

  96. social media strategist

    If some one needs expert view about blogging after that i propose him/her to pay
    a quick visit this webpage, Keep up the nice job.

  97. stephen

    i live in nairobi kenya,have been intrested n willing to join in the worship of our greate master THE MORNING STAR but havent succeeded.any brother from the brotherhood willing to help to feel free n help me coz am physically mentally n spiritually ready to serve satan with ma whole life

  98. jeff

    Call the God of Elijah with all your heart. He will answer you Mr. stephen.

    That is what the lord said.

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